">God-mum makes very tasty and healthy Lui Cha and when we were invited over for her specialty I was elated. Some of the herbs like the basil and mint leaves used for the grounded paste were fresh from her garden. Sesame seeds are being added into the paste mixture to make it even more aromatic. You can choose whatever vegetables you fancy. Cut or chopped them up and fried individually to be added separately onto your rice. As for the soup, god-mum has some secrets to share too. Instead of the usual soup with plain paste which are normally being served in restaurants, god-mum added lecithin powder, brewer's yeast and wheat germ onto the grounded paste soup. You can either eat your rice and drink the soup separately or the way I like it, that is as a soupy rice by adding the whole bowl of soup right into the rice. Mmmmmmmmm..... delicious. I had a second helping of just the soup to satisfy my palate until the next invitation, haha. Thanks god-mum and god-dad for the lovely meal.
Rice and all the ingredients can be eaten mixed in with the ''lui cha soup''
Lui cha soup
All ingredients nicely presented with rice Plain white rice
Two avid vegetarians are here to share some insights to the world of vegetarianism.
Hopefully, through this site, the lives of some animals can be spared. Always remember, animals have feelings too, they are our friends not our meal.
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party