Go Green - Recycle - DIY Lovely Toilet Roll Holder
There are just too many bags and packages that we get from the shops and after we carry them home, they are just being discarded without the slightest guilt or a second thought. I am sure many of us must have kept back quite a few of those paper bags which are just too nice to be thrown away. Yes, we will use them to carry some items or use them to pass items to our friends and after a few uses when the bag has worn out, do not throw them out. I normally will save the lovely strings from the bags and wait for opportunities to see where I can find a use for them later. So happen, I just had a piece of leftover material which I thought is just the right size for a toilet holder for my bathroom and the idea of using the strings to tack the sides pop into my mind. No sewing machine is needed. I just used blanket stitches to sew the string onto the sides to prevent them from loosening away and when it is done just join the ends together to make into a pocket for the toilet roll. Make some zig-zag designs on the top or whatever other designs you can think of and finally add in two loops to hang onto the towel rack. Voila, a lovely toilet roll holder that has cost nothing and an hour of my time which has been put to good use.
Two avid vegetarians are here to share some insights to the world of vegetarianism.
Hopefully, through this site, the lives of some animals can be spared. Always remember, animals have feelings too, they are our friends not our meal.
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party