Tip: If you were to visit Perth (or any other states in Australia), it is an extremely good idea to visit the local supermarket like Coles / Safeway / Woolworths to get some fresh local veg, herbs and fruits. If you would like to try some of the local veg, I'd recommend that you stay in self-contained cottages / apartments so that you can do some of your own cooking. =)
Fresh Parsley + Pot Mushrooms + onions
no extra seasoning needed! just a pinch of salt if you like it a little salty.
Fresh Baby Spinach
wash and it's ready to be eaten raw!
Salad topped with Yoghurt
Stuffed Olives, Zucchini, Fresh Basil, Yoghurt
Labels: Chinese, Chinese Recipe, Fusion, Oil Free*, picnic, Quick N Easy, Recipe, Western
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party