Just wish to let my readers know that there is this roadshow organized by SPCA for dog or cat lovers to adopt a pet of their choice. All the furry animals displayed are so adorable! How I wish I could adopt one home if not for the regulation set by my condo not allowing owners to rear any pets in our compound. Do make a visit there, especially families with kids. It is a great experience for them to grow up with a pet or two, allowing them to understand that it is not easy to take care of another a living being. Don't waste money buying animals from pet shops, instead help the abandoned pets by giving them another home and to be able to feel leing loved and be appreciated.
Two avid vegetarians are here to share some insights to the world of vegetarianism.
Hopefully, through this site, the lives of some animals can be spared. Always remember, animals have feelings too, they are our friends not our meal.
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party