Let's all join hands to celebrate EARTH HOUR by switching off non-essential lights for one hour from 8.30pm to 9.30pm tonight!!! Some of you may ask what is there to do in an hour of darkness. However, watching your television without lights on is not a very "green" answer, and so is using your laptop while running on battery mode! So, what's there to do without using any electricity for one hour. I tried it last year and found that it is true that it is hard to live without using any electrical appliances for a whole hour. A good suggestion is to enjoy a candlelight dinner with your loved ones, while enjoying a board game (can I suggest stock market tycoon? I LOVE that game). Only at a board game can everyone sit, laugh and mingle and actually look at each other in the face. Take this as an opportunity to do your part for Mother Nature, and also using it to spend quality time with your family members / friends.
Two avid vegetarians are here to share some insights to the world of vegetarianism.
Hopefully, through this site, the lives of some animals can be spared. Always remember, animals have feelings too, they are our friends not our meal.
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party