French is internationally known as 'ze language of Love. Couples who visit Paris would not miss the opportunity to snap pics with the Eiffel Tower, as many believe it symbolizes eternal Love. Even the popular Hong Kong TVB drama No Regrets did not forget to photoshop Miss Nine and Lau Sing with it!
To celebrate Valentine's Day, we prepared two dishes using French beans.
Firstly, purple rice topped with stir-fried with Tumeric and French beans.
The second dish - French Beans stir fried with capers drizzled with fresh lemon juice. Capers works magic with the French Beans. No extra seasoning is required as the preserved capers are naturally sour and salty and compliments the French Beans very well.
Two avid vegetarians are here to share some insights to the world of vegetarianism.
Hopefully, through this site, the lives of some animals can be spared. Always remember, animals have feelings too, they are our friends not our meal.
Vegetarian Party
Pot Luck Party